Goddard’s 2021 Community Life Agreement
– Adapted for Lighthouse Writers’ Conference & Retreat
In the Spring of 2003, a Work Group composed of students, staff, faculty, and a program director was convened. Their charge was to create a set of agreements by which the Goddard community could live, work and learn together, as well as a fair and meaningful process by which the members of the community could hold each other accountable.
Residencies are a time of intensive and continual contact among Goddard community members, which requires participants to be thoughtful about how we behave towards each other and our environment. With this in mind, the Work Group compiled a set of community guidelines.
In light of the Lighthouse Writers’ Conference & Retreat being an extension of our experience in the Goddard MFAW degree program, we have adapted the Goddard Community Life Agreements for the conference. Please review these guidelines to help us maintain a thoughtful and respectful approach towards each other and our work together.
Maintain a safe and inclusive environment, especially across different “G”-levels, different graduating years, and different genres of work.
Respect each other’s limitations and physical needs.
Alcohol Use is discouraged in remote meetings; please respect communal spaces as designated substance-free in order to foster a supportive and inclusive environment.
Threatening or intimidating behavior (verbal threats, intimidation or harassment) is strictly prohibited.
Illegal drug use is strictly prohibited.
Please think of your conference time as an opportunity for building community through clear and friendly communication. This will go a long way in forging friendships and dispelling conflicts.
We come from a wide range of living and writing experiences, and thoughtful, respectful, and inclusive conversations about ideas and issues are at the heart of a solid and resilient artistic community. If a disagreement arises, we ask community members to first speak to each other about it in a respectful manner. If a private conversation does not resolve the issue, please contact a conference steward about your concerns.